Designed to help children realize their potential

At Galaxy International School in Balangoda, we understand the unique needs and developmental stages of every child. We are committed to providing age-specific support at every educational stage to ensure that each student receives the guidance and resources they require for success and personal growth.



(Ages 2+ - 4+)

In our preschool program, we create a nurturing and stimulating environment where young learners can explore, discover, and develop essential foundational skills.

Our age-specific support in preschool includes:

  • Play-Based Learning : We recognize that play is the primary way young children learn. Our curriculum integrates age-appropriate play activities to promote creativity and early cognitive development.
  • Social and Emotional Development : Preschool is a critical time for developing social and emotional skills. We provide guidance and support to help children build positive relationships and manage their emotions.
  • Early Literacy and Numeracy : We introduce basic literacy and numeracy concepts through interactive and engaging activities to prepare students for primary education.

Primary School

(Ages 5+ - 10+)

As students progress into primary education,

our age-specific support includes:

  • Structured Curriculum : Our primary education program offers a structured curriculum designed to build a strong academic foundation. We tailor our teaching methods to meet the unique needs of each age group within this range.
  • Individualized Learning : We recognize that students progress at different rates. Our teachers use various strategies to cater to individual learning styles and abilities.
  • Character Development : We incorporate character education into the curriculum, teaching values such as responsibility, respect, and teamwork to help students become well-rounded individuals.



Secondary School

Commencing On 2026
(Ages 11+ - 15)

In the secondary education phase, we offer age-specific support to prepare students for the challenges of higher education and beyond:

  • Academic Excellence : Our secondary education program focuses on academic rigor, critical thinking, and subject specialization. We prepare students for external exams and academic success.
  • Career and College Readiness : We provide career counseling and guidance to help students make informed decisions about their future education and career paths.
  • Leadership and Responsibility : We encourage students to take on leadership roles and assume greater responsibility within the school community, fostering their personal growth and sense of citizenship.

School Time Schedule


Foundation Stage 1 (Baby Class)


Foundation Stage 2 (Nursery)


Primary School (Stage 1 & 2 )


Primary School (Stage 3)